The Independent Assessor

Joanna Wallace

About me

Joanna Wallace

My name is Joanna Wallace, and I am the Independent Assessor (IA) for escalated complaints about LINK’s decisions relating to its Coordination Body role in assessing options after bank closures, for communities in the United Kingdom. I am an independent adjudicator by profession and have been providing a similar service to several organisations for the last ten years.

I work from home and am not located in a LINK office, nor am I part of its business.

About my role, and the complaints I can consider

My remit as IA is to consider *Decision Complaints that LINK has not properly performed its Coordination Body role in assessing the options for your community correctly, in line with the relevant criteria.

I can only accept a complaint about a LINK decision after LINK has had full opportunity to reply to that complaint themselves. LINK will signpost you to me when I am able to look at your concerns, but please be aware I can’t do that until LINK has sent a final reply to you.

I can accept an escalated complaint from individuals, MPs, community organisations and others, for example a small business.

The work I do in assessing complaints may be used to inform future changes to the criteria used by LINK to assess access to cash requirements in a community, or for process improvements.

Please be aware that I cannot consider **Service Complaints about the way in which LINK has handled a Decision Complaint.

Your information

I obtain information from LINK about your complaint and may need to process personal data about you for me to assess it, and I may need further information from you to ensure I have a full understanding of the basis for your concern.

I use a LINK email address for complaints, which keeps my communications (and LINK complaints data) safe, within its electronic security system. Staff involved in the decisions you may be complaining about at LINK can’t access my emails - it is only me that can see those.

My reports are sent to the complainant, and to LINK so they know of my decisions, and will be published online along with the others I review at regular points in the year. They will show my findings for the complaint about a community, but not the identity of the customer who brought the complaint.

I will only process your personal data where I have a valid legal basis to do so. Further information about this is set out in LINK’s Privacy Notice (available here). Where I process personal data based on your consent, you may withdraw this consent at any time.

Expected timescales

I will deal with your complaint promptly and I aim to acknowledge customer contacts within a couple of days. It then usually takes 20 working days to produce my report, but sometimes this can take longer.

How to contact me

I deal with complaints in writing and am unable to take incoming phone calls, though I can arrange to make outgoing calls, which are recorded. Please email me at; if you are unable to email then please write to:

The Independent Assessor
Care of LINK Scheme
Central House
Otley Road

* Decision Complaints - any complaint that LINK has not properly performed its role as the Coordination Body. 

** Service Complaints - any complaint about LINK's handling of a Decision Complaint.